SynC Modular, the precusory application that lead to Native Instrument’s Reaktor, is now offically free (ahem, finally). Nowadays there are a large collection of modern applications that can do what it does, however.. the aged app presents a somewhat unique tonal quality (thanks to dated dsp no doubt, aimed @ performance marks for early 2000’s pcs) and the standalone, never-going-to-get-an-update factor of it is quite charming. Add into that several Ensembles that you can find littered across the internet and you’ve got yourself one sweet piece of modular freeware, old or not.
The free registration key and more info can be found @ SynC’s website: A new forum has also been started there for all you trainspotting, retro-softwarizing, modular loving, low-cpu hugging geeks out there… so it appears that some people are trying to stir a community together for this fine piece of software. I’ll definitely be checking in from time to time to see what emsembles ppup-up or if any new hacked-up uses occur.
Here’s a good archive of SynC ensembles: