KidQuaalude @ EM411 has posted a new tool for exporting and importing pattern/song and instrument data from DS-10, DS-10+ .sav files.
Hi Folks,
This will only be of interest to those of you who have a DS, either ‘Korg DS10’ or ‘Korg DS10 plus’, a PC and a way of getting your DS10 save files to/from your carts.
Last night I quickly knocked-up a tool that allows you to both import and export songs from the 18 available slots in the save file and also import and export your 24 saved synth patches. This will allow DS10 users to share songs and patches more easily and also backup and restore songs/instruments.
There is one minor issue with song sharing tho…due to the changes between DS10 and DS10 plus, songs created in plus cannot be loaded in DS10. However songs created in DS10 may be loaded in DS10 plus. This incompatibility does not affect intstruments.
The program itself is pretty self-explanitory…and there is no documentation yet ;)
Download :
Enjoy! (and note i’m not responsible for any data loss/damage that may occur from using this app ;))