A basic sketch that shows how to use millis() for basic animation, in this case a fade-in of a rect(). millis() returns the current runtime of the sketch in milliseconds. Left-click for Fade-In, Right-click for Fade-Out. The transparency (alpha channel of fill/stoke) is calculated evenly across the duration, meaning you only have to change 1 variable (delaytime) for adjusting the speed and fade. I wrote this from scratch as a learning activity some time ago, should be helpful to newcomers.
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<pre class="brush: java; title: ; notranslate" title="">//GLOBALS int alphavalue; int starttime; int delaytime = 9255; int curtime; float count_up; float count_down; float calc_alpha; void setup(){ size(400,180); } void draw() { background(0); strokeWeight(10); stroke(120,alphavalue); fill(255,alphavalue); rectMode(CORNER); rect(245,34,130,100); fill(255); text("start time: " + starttime, 15, 45); // start time (runtime when mouse was first clicked) text("delay time: " + delaytime, 15, 60); // delay time text("count: " + ceil(count_up), 15, 75); // timer count text("count down: " + ceil(count_down), 15, 90); // count down text("current runtime: " + curtime, 15, 105); // current runtime in ms since sketch started text("calculated alpha: " + calc_alpha, 15, 120); // alpha amount distributed over time text("alpha: " + alphavalue, 15, 135); // actual alpha transparency if(mousePressed) { if (millis() - starttime < delaytime) { count_up = (millis() - starttime); // timer count (difference from time first mousePressed occurs and the total runtime of sketch) count_down = delaytime - count_up; // countdown since started (mousePressed()) if (mouseButton == LEFT) { calc_alpha = 255 / (delaytime / count_up); // fade-in, calculate alpha value vs. duration alphavalue = ceil(calc_alpha); // ceil rounds UP and returns the closest integer value } if (mouseButton == RIGHT) { calc_alpha = 255 / (delaytime / count_down); // fade-out, calculate alpha value vs. duration alphavalue = floor(calc_alpha); // floor rounds DOWN and returns the closest integer value } curtime = millis(); //report the current runtime only while loop is running. visual readonly only. ignoreable. if (alphavalue == 0) { count_down = 0; count_up = delaytime;} //some precision is lost from float to int, so i reset the counters.. if (alphavalue == 255) {count_down = 0; count_up = delaytime; } //..for visual readout only, also ignoreable. } } else { //alphavalue = 0; } } void mousePressed() { starttime = millis(); // mousePressed() is only called once per press, unlike in draw // if starttime was set in draw's mousePressed event, it would never end } void mouseReleased() { redraw(); // start over } </pre> <div class="addtoany_share_save_container addtoany_content_bottom"> <div id="" class="a2a_kit a2a_kit_size_32 addtoany_list a2a_target">